If a person has difficulty getting up and moving because of health or injury. A physical therapist can guide patients through the specific therapy and exercises that address the problem. The video below shows what to expect on the first day of physical therapy.
What can you expect to consult a physical therapy professional prior to the appointment? Prior to your physical therapy sessions The physical therapist must collect all relevant data like scans, xrays and MRIs. It is done to make sure that the doctor’s needs as well as the expectations of the patient are taken into consideration. The first day of the appointment, the physical therapist will be with the patient and record the information about the patient’s medical history and evaluate the issues the patient confronting. The physical therapist will discover the goals of the patient.
The therapist follows up by physically evaluating the patient to find out their range of motion and mobility the strength, balance, and balance as well as assess any limitations. At the end of each session, the participant is given a personalised home exercise program with which they can work on right away. Make sure you dress in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your appointment. Book an appointment at one of the nearby clinics to ensure that the problem is addressed quickly. yf47fuk938.